Irish Folk Musicians

Jingly Bits at RFFO, April 21st, 2012

Good morrow, good gentles!

Welcome to our humble abode on the Web.
We are Jingly Bits, a family trio of minstrels that brings our unique blend of traditional and more contempory English and Irish folk music to Renaissance Faires and Celtic festivals. Originally hailing from the Valley of the Molten Sand, we have re-located to La Roche
Petite du Nord. Sadly, while there was a plethora of faires and festivals to choose from in our old locale, there is a veritable dearth of them here... Alas and alack...

Yet we persevere and now again  stumble into  another
venue at which we shall be performing!

The term "Jingly Bits" has several meanings for us.  I first used the phrase at renaissance faires when referring to all the bells and bits hanging from my belt.  These would make jingling sounds as I strolled along the streets of faire. And the little bits of jingly metal on a tambourine are known as "jingles."  Needless to say, 'tis also what we hope good folks will place in our basket upon hearing our music.

But thus to that end, "Jingly Bits" was adopted as our name. We will perform when we can as street or stage musicians at Renaissance Faires, Celtic Festivals, and other events.  If you have an event at which you'd like to see us, send me an email...

We hope you enjoy your stay with us and please, re-visit us often!


We have a Youtube Channel!

Below is one of the videos we've recently created during our dress rehearsals for our upcoming faire in October.

Click HERE to visit us on Youtube.
And since we are adding new videos all the time, please subscribe to our channel while you are there...


Our CD, "Little Bits Of Faire," is still available!!!
Click the image below for details and to order yours today!

Contact us for availability and booking information for your event!

Last updated April 21st, 2014

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For more Information about us, our music,

the events we go to, and our links to others,

click our logo:

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To email us, click on the knot below:

Email Cid
